Entries by Rojava IC


Turkish airstrikes on Suwaydiyah power station: documenting the damage

Turkey has established a systematic practice of targeting NES’ power infrastructure in period airstrike campaigns, usually lasting several days. Amongst Turkey’s key targets is the Suwaydiyah gas and electricity station. This vital station is NES’ only domestic gas bottling plant and a key source of electricity for vital services such as hospitals, mills, bakeries and […]

Die türkischen Luftangriffe auf Nord- und Ostsyrien zielen auf Stromversorgung, Öl und andere zivile Infrastruktur.

Vier Tage lang hat die Türkei mehr als 50 Orte in Nord- und Ostsyrien (NES) angegriffen und Luftangriffe auf wichtige Strom- und Ölinfrastrukturen sowie auf Industrieanlagen, Asayish-Kontrollpunkte, Fabriken und zivile Wohnhäuser geflogen. 2 Millionen Menschen sind ohne Strom und Wasser, nachdem die türkischen Angriffe 7 wichtige Elektrizitätswerke außer Betrieb gesetzt haben.

Interview – Mohamed Omar, Asayish (Internal Security Forces)

Across 4 days in January, Turkey conducted airstrikes on over 50 locations across North and East Syria (NES), targeting key electricity and oil infrastructure, as well as industrial sites, Asayish (Internal Security Forces) checkpoints, factories and civilian homes. RIC spoke with Mohamed Omar, who is amongst the personnel responsible for the Asayish (Internal Security Forces) […]

Nuova ondata di attacchi aerei turchi nella NES contro le infrastrutture civili

In 4 giorni, la Turchia ha preso di mira oltre cinquanta località nella Siria nord-orientale (NES), conducendo attacchi aerei su infrastrutture chiave per l’elettricità ed il petrolio, oltre che su siti industriali, posti di blocco Asayish (Forze di Sicurezza Interna), fabbriche ed abitazioni civili. Due milioni di persone sono senza elettricità ed acqua, dopo che […]

Day 2 – Turkish airstrikes on North and East Syria target electricity, oil and other civilian infrastructure.

Across 4 days, Turkey targets over 50 locations across North and East Syria (NES), conducting airstrikes on key electricity and oil infrastructure, as well as industrial sites, Asayish (Internal Security Forces) checkpoints, factories and civilian homes. 2 million people are without power and water, after Turkish strikes put 7 key electricity stations out of service. […]

Fresh Turkish airstrikes on North and East Syria target electricity, oil and other civilian infrastructure.

Turkey targets over 30 locations across North and East Syria (NES), conducting airstrikes on electricity and oil infrastructure and civilian factories and warehouses. This marks the third time in three months that Turkey has embarked on an airstrike campaign targeting NES’ essential infrastructure; such repeated destruction of oil and electricity infrastructure raises fears of humanitarian […]

Rapporto di dicembre sulle cellule dormienti – L’Isis uccide civili legati alla DAANES a Deir ez-Zor

Membri delle forze di commando dell’SDF durante un’esercitazione contro l’Isis (Foto: Baderkhan Ahmad)   Punti chiave: – sedici attacchi confermati nella NES da parte di cellule dormienti dell’Isis a dicembre, in aumento rispetto agli undici di novembre; – gli attacchi dell’Isis hanno causato cinque morti e sette feriti tra i civili e dodici morti e […]

Contratto sociale della DAANES, versione 2023

Nell’ottobre 2013 iniziarono i primi colloqui per delineare un “Contratto sociale” per le nuove regioni Autonome della Siria settentrionale ed i risultati furono presentati alla popolazione della regione per la loro analisi. Nel corso del 2014, oltre 50 organizzazioni e partiti politici si sono riuniti per discutere, ottenendo vari accordi e compromessi sul contenuto del […]