Report: Turkey’s war against civilians


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‘Turkey’s war against civilians’, the latest report from Rojava Information Center, includes: The report identifies trends including the targeting and execution of civilians attempting to return to their property, indiscriminate shelling well outside the supposed zone of operations, and members of Turkish-backed factions demanding ransom for the return of civilian corpses to their families. It includes a blow-by-blow account of the execution of three health workers in Suluk on 13 October, as well as a time line of systematic attacks on medical infrastructure and staff throughout the invasion. Drawing on interviews with those who have returned to the zone of Turkish control, the report explains how Turkey is trying to impose an information blackout on these areas through violence, arbitrary arrest and intimidation. Nonetheless, RIC are able to present detailed information on the looting of private and public property, businesses and co-operatives. OSINT research is supported by scores of interviews conducted by RIC field teams: the only survivor of a TFSA attack which killed three civilians, IDPs living without access to drinking water, medical workers targeted in airstrikes, civilians who have lost their homes and livelihoods to looting. Drawing on all this evidence, the report argues that Turkey’s invasion beginning 9 October and ongoing occupation of 5000KM2 in the Sere Kaniye and Tel Abyad regions constitutes a ‘war against civilians’, and calls for an independent, international fact-finding mission into the areas of North and East Syria under both Turkish and Autonomous Administration control.

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  1. […] an invasion of the Kurdish-led autonomous regions of north and east Syria. Its jets and tanks killed hundreds and displaced hundreds of thousands of Kurdish, Yazidi and Christian civilians, as […]

  2. […] an invasion of the Kurdish-led autonomous regions of north and east Syria. Its jets and tanks killed hundreds and displaced hundreds of thousands of Kurdish, Yazidi, and Christian civilians, as well […]

  3. […] empresas e cooperativas (para mais informações, consulte o relatório de dezembro de 2019 da RIC: Guerra da Turquia contra civis). A Padaria Mesopotâmia foi apreendida por facções apoiadas pela Turquia, resultando na perda de […]

  4. […] in Syria is also critically important. Again, Greeks should find solidarity against Erdogan among Muslims displaced as a result of Turkish aggression there. 4. Many people are calling for a boycott of Turkish goods. Americans can assist that effort by […]

  5. […] businesses and cooperatives (for more information, see RIC’s December 2019 report: Turkey’s war against civilians). The Mesopotamia Bakery has been seized by Turkish-backed factions, resulting in the loss of […]

  6. […] The seize fire in Syria is also critically important. Again, Greeks should find solidarity against Erdogan among Muslims displaced as a result of Turkish aggression there. […]

  7. […] The seize fire in Syria is also critically important. Again, Greeks should find solidarity against Erdogan among Muslims displaced as a result of Turkish aggression there. […]

  8. […] Syria, in 2018. Rights organisations and the Syrian Democratic Forces have accused Turkey of gross human rights violations including ethnically cleansing the areas it occupies by replacing the majority Syrian-Kurdish […]

  9. […] report titled Turkeys War on Civilians has released by the Rojava Information Centre, documenting the […]

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